Thinning out plants? Put some in a common flower bed!

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April 13, 2020
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Important Update to Strawberry Farms School Lunch Delivery
April 13, 2020
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August 6, 2020

Many of us are thinning out flower bulbs or other landscaping plants at this time of year. If you have extra spring bulbs, hostas, low shrubs, flowering bushes, etc. please consider adding them to one of the traffic-calming islands near your home. These islands were installed by the city, and are now in the care of our neighborhood. That means we voluntarily can keep them nice, or voluntarily let them become overgrown.

Some of them have been adopted by individuals or groups, and we have signs noting this in the islands that we are aware of. If you are adopting an island flower bed, please let us know!

If you don’t want to adopt an island but just want to improve one, go ahead and plant something! Why throw away your extra landscaping material. Add flowers, mulch, etc. to a common area and brighten everyone’s experience. These islands also influence the look of our neighborhood to visitors and homebuyers, therefore increasing property values when they look nice.

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