Calling all Community-Minded Residents!

Strawberry Farms residents, Do you value having a neighborhood that is: connected to the larger community, hosting events for the residents, and maintaining a voice with […]

Strawberry Farms will celebrate its first Annual National Night Out “Party”!!!

Strawberry Farms Egg Hunt

Once again, the Strawberry Farms Community Association will be partnering with our neighbors at New Jerusalem Progressive Church of God in Christ at the corner of […]

Community Dinner Tuesday evening – You’re Invited

Strawberry Farms is a member of the Northland Community Council, which is the organization that coordinates all the neighborhoods and represents them to the City of […]

Looking for New Voices (even if they are complaints) at Monthly Meeting

Hello neighbors, We would love to see a few more of you at our monthly meetings, held the FOURTH TUESDAY of each month at New Jerusalem […]

City Report on Street Trees and Tree Canopy

Hello neighbors, Please see attached the city’s recent report on their audit of all the “street trees” (trees in the public right-of-way between the sidewalk and […]

Upcoming Events

Aug 8 – The Northland Community Council Picnic is Aug 8 at 6:30p at Blendon Woods Dogwood Shelter – all are welcome – bring a side dish. […]

Upcoming Free Special Events

Check out some great events happening in and around our neighborhood! July 4 – Northland Fourth of July Parade – This is free to attend and […]

Weekly Recycling! Updates to Neighborhood Recycling Schedule

We are pleased to share the news that the City of Columbus is now collecting recycling every week. Recycling is now weekly instead of every two […]

PALS presents a Community Art Show for Strawberry Farms April 1

On April 1st, PALS will be having an art show that is completely open to the community! It will be from 4pm-8pm that Saturday.This is a […]