Strawberry Farms Civic Association Board of Trustees
President: Alice Foeller
Vice-President: vacant
Secretary: Brenda Bradford Weaver
Treasurer: Monica Stigler
Board Members:
Director of Neighborhood Safety: Mott Given
NCC Representative: vacant
Director of Membership: Monica Stigler
Director of Landscape Maintenance: Ryan Waltz
Director of Social Activities: Melinda Weiss
Newsletter Editor: vacant
Web Master: Alice Foeller
Director of Advertising: Lindi Martsolf
Dir. of Newsletter Distribution: vacant
Director of Neighborhood Relations: vacant
Please consider volunteering for one of our vacant positions on the board and helping out your community! If you’re interested in any of these positions, please email our President, Alice Foeller at [email protected].
Red are our most needed positions to be filled in order to best serve the SF community!