Mulch Spreading Party May 27 10a

Mobile Alerts for Trash and Recycling Days
May 2, 2017
Neighborhood Wine & Cheese Meeting May 23
May 2, 2017
Mobile Alerts for Trash and Recycling Days
May 2, 2017
Neighborhood Wine & Cheese Meeting May 23
May 2, 2017

We are always working to keep the gateway to our neighborhood looking good. To cut down on the long hours volunteers spend weeding, we are going to purchase and spread mulch.

We need the following volunteers:

  1. Someone with a truck who can transport bags of mulch (we will be using bagged mulch rather than bulk for logistical reasons – there isn’t any space to dump a big pile without interfering with traffic).
  2. Many hands to spread mulch and make it go quickly.
  3. Trash bags for litter and paper bags for plant waste.

Any groups of scouts or students who need or want to do community service work are welcome!

Please RSVP ahead so Patty Fitzgerald, our Landscaping Chair, can coordinate.

Email Patty at [email protected] to sign up.

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