Free transportation to vaccine sites for older residents

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Free Transportation to Vaccination Sites for Phase 1B


Columbus, Ohio, January 29, 2021 – Franklin County Office on Aging will provide free transportation to older adults age 70 years of age or older in Phase 1B who have scheduled a COVID-19 vaccine appointment for the week of February 1st.  To arrange transportation, call (614) 525-6200, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. You must have a vaccine appointment scheduled before calling

Franklin County Office on Aging helps Franklin County residents age 60 and older maintain their independence. We also support family members with the often-overwhelming task of caring for a frail older parent, family member, or friend with limited abilities, in addition to addressing allegations of abuse, neglect and exploitation.

Franklin County Office on Aging has been providing community-based services through Senior Options since 1993. These services can include home delivered meals, homemaker services, personal care, respite care, adult day care, emergency response systems and minor home repair.

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