Free Training Class Reminder

Meet the Candidates (US House, Ohio House and Senate, Judicial Races)
October 1, 2014
Join the Great Central U.S. Shakeout Earthquake Drill
October 6, 2014
Meet the Candidates (US House, Ohio House and Senate, Judicial Races)
October 1, 2014
Join the Great Central U.S. Shakeout Earthquake Drill
October 6, 2014

Just a reminder we are hosting the MGT 405 Mobilizing Faith-Based Community Organizations in Preparing for Disaster class on October 21st from 8am-4:30pm.  There are only 14 seats still available.  If interested in attending this FREE training, please complete the attached registration form and either email or fax back to my attention.  Once I receive your registration, I will send you a confirmation by email.  Please feel free to forward this training opportunity on to others who might be interested in attending.

MGT 405 Registration Flyer


Email to: [email protected]

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