Emergency (CERT) Basic Training

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The next round of CERT Basic training is available on our website: www.fcemhs.org. Here is the link to the training page:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlS86rKRKtJCdHVnVDZkbWowS25KS2tHZTNSbGRfWnc#gid=0


Each year, FC CERT continues to grow by numbers of trained volunteers and by the number of trainings offered. Be sure to visit our website and stay informed on what subject matter is offered to you for free or at a nominal cost.


We also plan to offer CERT supplemental training such as CERT Emergency Communications, CERT Firefighter Rehab and more.


Additionally, we may offer amateur radio classes and examinations to get more volunteers involved in amateur radio communications.


Stay engaged and come to any of the offered trainings, especially if it has been a couple of years and a refresher is in order. Meet current and future CERT volunteers and have fun!


We will need you some day; it is a matter of WHEN we need you.


There is a Winter Storm Warning currently out for our area. Be sure to take preparedness precautions, monitor for updates, be safe and be ready!


Here is CERT information on Winter Storms: http://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/20130726-1839-25045-0853/hazard11_winterstorm_pm_jan2011.doc


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