Neighborhood Meeting Tuesday 10/18 7pm
October 18, 2016
Santa Visit in Strawberry Farms Sunday Dec. 11 from 1 to 3 PM
December 8, 2016Please join us for a meeting about how to improve Strawberry Farms, and the activities and services we offer the residents. Strawberry Farms has a Civic Association, a voluntary group of involved residents who help with maintaining public areas, creating neighborhood activities, and representing our neighborhood concerns to the Northland Community Council and the city at large.
NOV 15
7 PM
FOUR POINTE APARTMENT in meeting area near rental office…
(Light refreshments provided!)
We will be holding elections for the leadership positions on the Civic Association:
Vice President
Secretary (take notes at monthly meetings)
Treasurer/Membership (care for association financials and promote and track membership)
Landscaping Chair (coordinate care of public flower beds)
Webmaster (keep up website and social media)
Newsletter (write and edit newsletter)
Director of Safety (coordinate block watch activities)
Social Activity Chair (coordinate Fall Fest, Santa visit, other events)
NCC Rep (represent Strawberry Farms at the Northland Community Council meetings monthly)
Advertising (solicit advertisements from businesses for newsletter and website)
Newsletter Distribution (coordinate newsletter delivery volunteers)