Home & Apartment Security

Signs of Drug Houses or Drug Growing Operations
February 18, 2015
Personal Safety
February 18, 2015
Signs of Drug Houses or Drug Growing Operations
February 18, 2015
Personal Safety
February 18, 2015

Home & Apartment Security

  1. Install your house numbers on the front and rear of your house and ensure they are large, visible and well lit at night.
  2. Trim trees and shrubs so doors and windows are visible to neighbors and from the street.
  3. Lock doors and windows even when you are home or working outside.
  4. Install good quality dead bolts with a minimum 2.5 cm (1 inch throw). Adding door reinforces that fit around the dead bolt adds 2-3 times the strength to the door.
  5. Install anti-lift devices and a good auxiliary lock, dowel or bar on sliding glass doors and windows.
  6. Report suspicious persons or vehicles immediately to the police.
  7. Get to know your neighbors. – Join BLOCK WATCH.


Apartment Security

  1. Never allow strangers to enter your building without proper screening.
  2. Use the intercom wisely. If you do not know the person do not buzz the door. If someone claims to have a delivery for you or claims to be police go down to the lobby to let them in.
  3. Lock your patio door or windows when you are out of the room to prevent a cat burglar entering and stealing your wallet or purse.
  4. Use your suite door locks even if you intend to stay in the building or just take out the garbage.
  5. Don’t store valuables in storage lockers.

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