FCC Amateur Radio FCC Technician Class License Class and Exam Sessions – April 2014

Upcoming CERT Basic Training Sessions
February 26, 2014
Update on Church Property
February 27, 2014
Upcoming CERT Basic Training Sessions
February 26, 2014
Update on Church Property
February 27, 2014

Once again we are offering a ‘FREE’ Technician Level Study Session. This will beSaturday April 5, 2014 and Wednesday April 9, 2014. The first session will be 9 am to 3 pm at the Westerville Library. The second session is 6 pm to 9 pm at the Northern Lights Library at the corner of Lehner and Cleveland Ave. Feel free to bring food (lunch or dinner) to either session. On the Wednesday session we’ll be at the library at 5 pm, one hour early to answer questions and demo equipment. Prior to the Saturday session the instructors will meet at the McDonalds 662 South State Street between I-270 and East Schrock Rd beginning at 8 am.

This new longer format allows us to do more hands on. In the added time we will explain: Lenz;s Law; Ohm’s law; wave length demo; magnetic field demo more in depth with plenty of hands on. We’ll explain with props what Voltage , Amps, Resistance and Watts are in a very interactive and visual way. Every thing will be on a very basic level.

Attached is the study material we will be using and providing in class. There is no need to purchase any other material. Note that the 2010 Technician question pool will expire on June 30, 2014. This will be one of the final chances to obtain a Technician license locally under the current question pool.

We will be talking about what to look for in a radio. club info including the info on ARRL membership to obtain a free book or $15 club membership discount. No additional study material is needed for the class or to pass the test.

There will be a “FREE” Laurel VEC exam by the CRES VE team on the followingSaturday or the next Saturday. CRES tests at the Presbyterian Church 6969 East Livingston Ave. For further info, visit their website at w8zpf.net.

There will be a “FREE” Laurel VEC exam by the DELARA VE Team on Saturday April 19, 2014. The DELARA team tests at the Delaware County EOC 10 Court Street just North of the Delaware County Common Peas Court House. This is a secured building so you must be on time to gain entry. For further info visit their website at http://www.k8es.org.

Reservation and instructor approval is required. Reservations to [email protected] or 614-726-5539. Space will be limited to 15 participants.
-Bill Neill
5581 Edinvale Lane
Westerville, Ohio 43082-7000
(H) 614-726-5539  (C) 239-338-8500

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