BLOCK WATCH Notes for Spring and Summer

A new benefit for becoming a member of Strawberry Farms Civic Association!
April 12, 2013
Ohio Homeland Security reminds the public to be aware
April 17, 2013
A new benefit for becoming a member of Strawberry Farms Civic Association!
April 12, 2013
Ohio Homeland Security reminds the public to be aware
April 17, 2013

submitted by Theresa VanDavis


I cannot believe Spring is here – at least according to the calendar!

This is our busy season at Strawberry Farms!  Already we have had incidents of graffiti in the park.  Thanks to our City Liaison Dick Graham, we are on top of this problem.  If you see any graffiti anywhere in Strawberry Farms or the near vicinity, please let me know and I will see to it that it is removed.

Remember to keep your garage doors closed!  If potential thieves do not have easy access, they are more than likely to pass by your house and go on to an easier mark.

Please keep your porch lights on all night.  This really is one of the best things we can do to deter crime in our neighborhoods.

And most important of all, please keep your eyes open.  If you see something suspicious, please call 645-4545 and report it.  Be sure to give as many details as possible.  It helps the police officers find the persons in question.    I was advised that we need to give ages, description of clothing, location, and anything else that might be helpful in finding the person.  If it is a crime in progress, call 911 immediately.  Do not attempt to intervene.  Let the police do what they do best and we can do what we do best!

If you are interested in starting a Block Watch on your street, please call me.  I will be happy to help you get started!  It takes very little time (about 2 hours every quarter) from your busy lives and it is so worthwhile!  Get to know your neighbors now before there is an issue!  There are great people living in Strawberry Farms and your lives will be richer for your efforts in getting to know your neighbors.

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